The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

You’re right. Video Games also fall into the same camp.

Area I don’t know yet… DRM free digital stuff… I haven’t had time to research these just yet. They may have similar licenses just without the hassle of DRM. I can’t say when I’d have time to dig cause digging into contracts/license and reading them for legal stuff is a process that can and does take hours to parse.

There are lots of cases (one example would be Tron) and the topic has been covered by some people in YT videos that not only talk about the ownership question but also about losing access to the content you bought years ago that has been abandoned by the rightsholders/publishers.

Yeah. I’ve followed a few those cases.

A recent example is Alan Wake and this one is really interesting because Microsoft stepped in to help out:

  • The Licensing rights for the music in the game had expired… so the game had to legally be taken off the market.
  • Microsoft stepped in to help Remedy resolve this issue.
  • Game was then released again once the licensing issue with the music was fixed.

Now I may not agree with somethings that Microsoft do or has done but they do make an effort to do some good when it isn’t expected.


Yeah, that was definitely an unexpected move from MS.

Another case would be The Legend of Korra. You can’t buy it anymore on Steam. I still have it in my library but the “Storepage” button takes you to Steam’s front page. There is not product page for it anymore and searching for it doesn’t bring up any results.

Or Konami’s P.T.
On top of that Konami lost the source code of SH 2+3 which is why the HD Collection version is so poorly received by the community.

The whole “as a service” and “always on” internet requirement make it even more difficult to come up with laws regarding the reselling of digital media.

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Yeah. The laws we have for digital on the whole are very flawed. Do they benefit the copyright holder? Yes but there are other considerations to keep in mind when making a law to a digital item. Like what about archiving? Or poor internet connection? Why not give the consumer who bought it a copy they can always access.

I’m in camp we need to overhaul and rewrite laws for the digital age. We’ve needed it for awhile.


My problem with anything digital is that its treated as a physical item in every single case expect where it benefits you as a consumer. Also just standard shady legal practices

Im only allowed 1 copy that i rent for a flat fee that i in theory have access to for all of time until whoops, i no longer due. Im not allowed to share/sell/modify it in anyway because i never owned it. If i decide to move out to the mountains tomorrow, everything i ever bought would be lost because it can no longer talk to someone elses computer.

In fairness though its not something we should treat as a physical item because it never was a physical item. We just didnt have anything else to base it off of. How do you only sell 1 of something when you have the ability to make a perfect duplication wheres it mathematically impossible to tell the copy from the original.

If i modify my copy of the software i paid for without redistributing it im all in the clear but as soon as i decide to share it with people who may also enjoyed what i have made, im suddenly a criminal. In order to make a impact on society you must be able to build on top of the work of others. If all of the things we create and enjoy are not allowed to be built on top of, then what happens to society? Imagine an internet where memes are banned and the shared emotion of connecting with a random person over a shared experience is gone.

The next step for digital law should be a ground up redesign of laws surrounding anything digital with a few key core principles to guide it.

  1. Ability for software to go off of the grid and still remain functional.
  2. Source code must be provided and archived after main support for the software stops
  3. Some framework for allowing me to modify and share not only software but the modifications themselves.
  4. Letting me run custom software on any device i buy.

While not all encompassing on the issues that need to get tackled with like privacy, data-center scale applications, Data interchangeability, etc. It does lay down the important needed foundation for our society to continue to grow and build upon the works of giants


patents/trademarks already enforce this on physical products(for a time period anyways)

would be like buying the stream of the new disney starwars trilogy when it comes out, putting a watermark on the ittro credits and selling it on a mass scale for 1/10th of the price because your input cost isnt billions/hundreds of millions, its a subscription to disney plus and a download of kden live or somethin

so eh dunno complicated

1. Ability for software to go off of the grid and still remain functional.
not really applicable to all softwares, i mean firefox works and can load web pages off your local machine/network, but doesnt have full functionality, same with any other technology, like ftp, ssh, mmo/multi player games but thats different than like always on drm for a single player game

2. Source code must be provided and archived after main support for the software stops
dunno if you could mandate say companies which had gone bankrupt to maintain the source/give it up whatever. would think it should be legal that it becomes public domain in most instances where its no longer being used/lawfully sold produced whatever, in that if people that have copies want to produce more/distribute which would be more like a trademark where they have to actually show usage of it/good faith they want to keep, use, enforce their ownership of it

3. Some framework for allowing me to modify and share not only software but the modifications themselves.
dunno, feel like would just force even more draconian drm, like if it comes to it an ssd with firmware to wipe itself if you try to copy/access any file other than the game executable or something, or like game n watch devices where the only way to get the game is to buy the entire thing. only release movies/shows into theatre and no home release for really long time etc

i mean if its full kosher to resell copies or whatever, whose gonna buy call of duty if you can get a version for 50c 30min after their version is live on steam. on steam, and still play online with everyone else full functionality, or get any free copy of any game/movie. i mean you have piracy but theres a penalty in convenience as well as online features and stuff may not work, risk of virus, someone has to actually get ahold of a copy and try to crack the drm which takes time so you cant just preorder and get it as soon as its possibly available plus your dl speed, etc. its not quite as convenient as you go on steam click the game, then in recommended games like this is the same game for 1$

4. Letting me run custom software on any device i buy.
prolly doable outside removing liability depending on the software/device, like running a different firmware on a gameboy or something doesnt matter its a dumb game thing. running bad buggy firmware on a smart car to try to go faster or something could kill people, that in the instance of car hitting someone cause users making poor choice in software on it, would be not the car companies fault but that individual users

but have to be careful with stuff like that, like if it was the same firmware just with a different graphical interface(like a theme) just change the colors or something, then it gets pretty complicated have to prove that it did or didnt have any changes to core functionality of the vehicle or something in the case of an accident if they could or could not be liable, or if it would void your car insurance

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How long till the email server explodes

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that’s everything you need to know about where companies draw the line.
“where can we take away their advantage and give us more control?”
-> always online, as a service, crippling drm


Why are users not just mass ddosing shit companies

I recommend it highly

Patents protect the design/idea from being copied and sold from under you long enough for you to recoup your investment + a little bit of profit. As soon as that time period runs out, you could make a photo replica and aint nothing really gonna stop you. Also patents actually let you build ontop of other patent via a improvement process

No. Thats still blant redistribution. You must improve upon it in some way. Now if i took that star wars trilogy and edited it where everyone was thanos, then yes i should be able to share the edit. Not only will my friends now be able to see it, the rest of the world too can as someone else takes the torch and edits my edit.

This isnt 100% comparable though since this would fall mostly under copyright which is a separate although unopened can of worms.

a. Off grid so no internet access but still some or no networking access.
b. Functional
Firefox, SSH, FTP, and mmo/multiplayer are all networking applications that can function off grid. They might not be useful for internet purposes but that will still work. Something like a MMO would need to let me host my own instance for my own purposes. If you just wanna do yo own thing then feel free to host and go solo or if you prefer the MM of MMO then you can connect to the other server across the internet and not be anti social for once.

Still dont think thats probably enough. If its been 10 years since you released and sold your software and you no longer provider any real updates (features, bug fixes, security vulns, etc) then your source code should be released under some kind of source code license. Could be the GPL, BSD, MIT, or even no license at all but it will be released. (Stuff like preventing redistribution of the source code wouldnt be in effect since the whole point is to modify, share, and improve the now defunct software.

Didnt really explain myself good enough there. Not sharing the base product itself.

Would be a legal and/or technical framework that allows me to modify software, share my modifications, modify the modifications and share that too. If i buy something like a invoicing software and i modify my copy to include some new feature then what do i need todo to be in the clear. Do i need to distribute this modification as a patch file, Do i only share the files i modified, what about different versions of products and how modding should work with that.

Thats 110% gonna be a court case anyway. Few key factors that would decide it. Was the modification allowed by the vendor? Is it possible for the same issue to occur on stock software and if so does modifying the software change its probability of happening? Was it even the cars fault that you hit them?

Self driving cars are already gonna be a super tricky thing to navigate since there is no one to truly blame of a accident. If only a single person died because of a car instead of 50k, do you really want to start throwing people under the bus for saving so many lives?

The main principle behind this is that if i buy a device. I should be allowed to modify and do what i want with it. The process were in of a year or two or support before becoming a hazardous brick isnt going to be sustainable. The user accepting liability because of their modifications is already pretty standard practice. No one is going to sue kendale toasters because you made yours shoot knives.


Peoples internet sucks + high bandwidth configurations are easy to setup


Because they have the lawyers and the mainstream normies only care about their access to their services.
What happened to “don’t pre-order”, “don’t buy from company xyz because of evil business practice/mistreatment of employees”?
Nothing. Cause people are fed up with their daily lives as is and want to block out those worries by playing games. And to some extent because those same companies made them want to consume, not even because they need what they’re offering, just cause “everyone does it” and cause it’s “the latest trend”.

edit: and I’m not excluding myself from this


if I have a crucial peice of bussiness software that only runs on Windows 98 I should be able to maintain it myself if Microsoft doesn’t want to anymore. there’s soo much software running today on legacy systems and its a security nightmare. Same should go for hardware like Android phones too. if the manufacture stops supporting the device they should release the proprietary components or do the right thing at the start and allow me to unlock the bootloader so I can support it myself with other software.


Wasn’t CERN running some critical stuff on a really old OS?
And are those floppy discs with missile arming codes just a myth?

Some of them already make it as hard as possible to even replace the battery, the thing (probably tied with the screen) needs to be replaced the most to prolong the life of a phone/tablet/laptop.

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Not a myth. There may be a chance that those disks are completely useless from bit rot at this point but obviouslly the military wouldnt tell us that XD


Not sure about CERN but it was ture for the missile codes but they upgraded it use solid state storage now.


I played a little of Cyberpunk2077… my investment into my RTX 2080 Ti was worth it. Only played for about 2 hours and 30 minutes. 30 minutes of that was spent making the character. It does seem like there is a ton to do. I reserve judgement till I finish it. As to when that will be? Months cause I’ll just play on Fridays and weekends. I’m not going to rush it. I’m going to take my time with it. Bare mind most of my free time is being spent studying & writing.


Thanks to Dje I’ve been playing it a fair bit. can run it at about 45-60fps on 1080p medium with my rx 580 and it still looks quite good, nothing comapred to what I’ve seen on my brothers computer with his 2080 Ti but I’m enjoying it a lot.


Just started cyber punk but i sadly have a head ache so it will wait