The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Ahh got ya. That’s cool. I asked because discourse is a very heavy piece of forum software


Is that not bad. Mostly hard the disk and memory


It really isn’t as bad as people think. currently were using about 4.5GBs for Discourse and most of that is caching from sidekiq. If we wanted to we could limit the memroy on the container and it’d still run fine, a little slower but that’s mostly it.


whatchyu think about a multi user thing for media server?

be like add command mcli -user (username)

and then have it check for existence of directory in the pos(the position/tracking files) directory, and then would create all new tracking files in that sub dir, so you could have separate tracking update for if you watched stuff with a friend or something under their name, instead of overwriting your personal files

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4 hours left on the ebay auction i hope i win god i hope i win



Get fucked on nerds i got the coolest keyboard


When you gotta hack into the mainframe but also have a synthwave concert at 10.


its so mushhy tho its ok but its fucking weird compare to cherry or apple rubber domes

think figured out what gonna do for the server stuff this time :stuck_out_tongue:

add to the analytics/stats output, to also print current user, currently playing list etc, so i dont have to make a new command just to say which user is active, and is related data anyways, same with if wanted to know what list is currently playing

otherwise gotta add new command to set user, and maybe fork/remove part of the code idk yet, could just have a dual mode i guess

was thinking just add a sub dir for each user file, in the main dir for the tracking files, but i have a thing where it works in other directories as well, pree sure also writes pos data to those other directories, if you had a specific list in a different directory(pron or whatever type of thing dont want in the main area) that dunno if wanna be shooting dir all over the place if that was a thing, could make it do dir if its in the main dir, otherwise do like listname_pos_username.txt or something i guess,

think rather dir setup over just appending the file name for normal use for easier data migration(like if setup another machine later for the other person on their own, can just copy their pos dir, and they get everything, instead of having to sift thru the main/run a command to only copy *username.txt or whatever more specific stuff

edit: hate formatting ui stuff tho :x. kinda nice when done though

decided to add whole output of control file but converted to human

is like

active list
scripted mode or manual mode
shutdown, normal play, sleep mode, numbered play or single play

instead of printing the numerical number in the control file, since you dont directly put the numbers when you issue commands, wouldnt know them normally. then the old analytics, below that

think that formatting is prolly mostly final, but if has header for current commands: or something above the first block not sure, and the exact text for User: username etc formatting not sure for play mode/scripted tag names

My music making bug hit me again and the prodikeys being linux and ancient windos (without alot of work) i decided to buy a usb midi keyboard

Akai mpk mini

To use with my m1

And passing through i got the prodikeys to work in a ubuntu vm and a windows xp vm so i know i dont have a broken device

All in all great for linux but fucking shit on everything else

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laze setup on the multi user thing though, just makes a new dir if isnt one for the name already, so switch user, is the same as make new user

Second dose of vaccine today it fucking hurts lmaooo

The va vaccine site it’s pretty fucking fast barely in here 30 min


My job managed to arrange it so they would offer it and then they expected you to pull a 7.5 hour shift of doing hard repetitive labor XD


Perks of being retired no work

Cons of being retired is massive nerve pain


fuck that, I was out of it for at least two days after my first injection that that even walking up and down stairs was a bit of a struggle.


was doin some double checking on pokemang project, got like 21 more free spaces atleast lol

since can change animation types and stuff, can convert the gym leaders into having the animations, and the unused legendarys and stuff, the animations for the other main char, surf, fly, use pokeball(for cut and stuff), use fishing rod

and can change size of any of them to be bigger ones if want, besides upgrading to the 9 frame normal npc type

but das alot so gotta look at prolly add duplica, look at other people maybe too, brock/misty idk

prolly mostly more pokemon frames and stuff

just more gotta figure out again what plan is i guess, think ideally try to keep character changes as minimal besides the drop in replacement ones(so i dont have to edit the maps and stuff as much/try to find every instance of the characters if i need to make them stationary or something) since have so many available now

So late night i was pretty out of it i was apparently unable to move and not lucid i dont remember collapsing on the floor mid conversation and being unable to move nothing

I apparently was drooling on the floor my brain is a flog and everything hurts

I feel like i got a bad fucking flu

I called and they said to not go in for this unless i cant breath so fun


hope your feeling better soon, I heard the second dose kicks your ass more than the first but that doesn’t’ sound great at all :frowning:

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same but not like this like fuck basically i found out i never had a bad flu before cause apparently a bad flu collapsing and being out of it to the point i dont remember BUTTT thats normaALLALALLLLLLl im in bed and at my desk i feel like shit alot of fluids and Motrin and bong rips here and there

playing around on lpx and watching the new godzilla on hbo hope i dont pass out


atleast they got johnson and johnson for the gmo free crowd, although not sure if that also uses the petroleum product base making it not gud for the green crowd