The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

oh nah meant the users/people on the forum.

assume at this point idk same as teksyn just super low effort passive income or somethin

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I mean kinda worse than tek syn. At least TS put out videos that were still entertaining

testing growl notifications

Growl does not work


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eh kinda they did that lego tour forever ago i guess, mean since the split, the whole 1 video a week maybe, and be some random thing like recommended settings for handbrake on anime

nah meant the super thread or whatever, for people to link their project threads/bump their threads if some new version/feature whatever they wanted to share basically,

you know the one someone made a duplicate thread of way later

the ending when he comes back as an autist still pretty funny

is that a digimon?

lol ye from the weird movie they made that was like 3 unrelated specials

Only watched some of the first season back in high school. Pokemon was just more popular here. But Digimon had the better songs. The German intro was lit.

the rest of the movies music is similar dated trash too lol

edit: for reference thats not edited thats actually how that segment of the movie ends lol

That was just a thing for a while. If you look up the show ‘Saddle Club’ they did the same shit.

He literally took Logan’s gas line of ‘put money in company’ and instead of doing what he said he just piped if back to his own shit and I’m fucking pissed.

No I mean like TS looked at doing shit differently, and actually put some time and effort into shit. Wendell posts something when it’s going to take too long to do something for his job and there won’t be enough compensation. He does reviews of hardware because of the connections they used to have. And that’s just free money.

Logan actually put some time into Thinking and what would be cool to post, vibing with what he’s doing.

L1 looks like that ‘Technology Solutions’ channel except at the end you don’t get an egg in your face, you instead wasted 20 minutes listening to Jughead jack himself off about virtualization tech that you probably didn’t care bout

It’s not about the game of it, it’s just time and money to him. There’s so much more there and they’re like ‘hurr durr but homework thread gud’

No broder I Ned u send Google verify code verify your Craig listing so I buy your computer

Like dude come on why is the first reply to my listing some retard who barely speaks English trying to scam me like rly my number doesn’t even go to my Google acct, I use a Google number to back up my Google acts that has 4 passwords on it in a big ass string, could you actually fuck off with that shit

they seem to has gone hill pretty bad since around that time they did the no more hookers and stuff regulation thing

too much chibi shiz

Bitch you’re the girl in that scene


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