The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Dont have to pay for them here and if anything weighs a decent amount like a couple of two litre’s then they will double or even triple bag it even though the bags have ZERO problem holding them. I have carried 3-4 two litre bottles across town in a single bag and the bag didnt even stretch


What we do with water bottles is refil them from the tap and put them in the fridge, they’ll last forever and always have cold water to drink and it isn’t going straight to waste.

We mostly had to pay for them but supermarkets you didn’t, now if you have over a think 150 employees you are required to charge for them.

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My family does not do that though since we have a little bit of extra money i might push my mom to get one of those water things that takes those big water tanks.

I mostly use them at night when i cant go to the kitchen to get a drink

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yeah having a watercooler would be neat, does take up a bit of plastic still but the volume of water is much higher and it cools water much better than a fridge can.

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Like condoms.


but its designed to be reused is the main point. they will even pay you $0.50 if you bring the container back and you dont want to reuse it

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think condoms are the exception not the rule =P


I have a watercooler. I just run down here to get water from the tap for it rather than get a new full bottle every time we run out.


yeah good point, its a way better method of consuming water, given the amount of water we drink though might be a good idea to get one and will free up the fridge from all those bottles.

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i would do the same. my sister hates the taste of tap water but im 100% sure she wouldnt notice if we filled from the tap XD


again with describing my sister…

Whenever I get the bottles I don’t even bother putting them in the fridge… water is fine at room temp and that way they don’t take away precious booze space.


Fight plastic! Have more buttseks! No more condoms!


well nothing beats ice cold water imo but I’ll forgive you for free up the booze space.

If it’s clean.
Wouldn’t want a glass of Flint’s water, no matter how cold it is.


Well ofc we are not drinking shitty Michigan water.


I should show you how bad kansas water can get. It has more cholrine than most pools


uh thats horrible, and some people here think our water is bad :frowning:

At least you have water to think bad about. Kids in Africa can’t even get a fucking strawberry shake!

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mmm I could do with a strawberry shake

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