The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

I learned that emojis were invented in Japan why am I not surprised.


I’m sure not all Germanic people are like you

yay new keyboard :smiley:
strange… 65%? layout and the profile though. but actually quite nice. and it’s already converted to USB so it is what I am typing on right now lol.
very… signature… noise which I will record at some point.

Yes it does. I was very fortunate my German teacher in High School was actually from Germany, Northern. She was great. She actually talked about the importance of tone.

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Nah, just the way they sound like when speaking English. In most cases the tech-affiliate ones (like der8auer) have that precise tone (everything must be done according to the rules, no deviating allowed).

Most people ive meet assume german is like this. Really loud and aggressive but not actually threatening


Welp looks like I can’t get the Oculus to work in my VM witthout passing through the controller. the headset is seen as three usb devices and with the lighthouses thats 5 in total which is the max I can passthrough but I’ll then be without a keyboard and mouse :frowning:

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Vary German of you to say.


Shill out for a USB addin card


I would but its a shot in the dark whether I’ll be able to pass that through or not. My board does have two usb controllers (one for 3.1 gen 2 the other for 3.1) so maybe with the ACS patch I could but will need to look into that.

Gives you another project to half finish at least.

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buy one of these. has 4 usb controllers on 1 card

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German German sounds different than Austrian German. Kinda like British English vs American English. More lax and depending on the part of the country heavily accented.

The guy with the mullet speaks the typical Wiener Dialekt (the lower social parts). A lot of the “R” get turned into “A” (like “mir” -> “mia”) And some other weird stuff, cause while “mir” means “me”, it is also used as “wir” (us).
Example from that scene:
Des geht eam original genau nix au.
-> Das geht ihn original genau nichts an.
-> That’s really just none of his business. (kinda loosely translated)



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Yes that it does

neat Is that the one Linus used in his threeway VR video? That card would solve all my VM usb issue, they go for around £117 here which isn’t too bad for what your getting but can’t really afford it right now.

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Do you still know any German?

I can’t speak or write it fluently anymore. I can understand a basic conversation and still read it. Though I’d need a dictionary for a few words.

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woohoo I’m drunk


How’s that working out for you so far.

fan fucking tastic

vodka btw