Yep its a great feature, iirc there’s a standard function for that in markdown and most platform that use it implemention that. I’ve used it quite a lot to jump through some of the documentation for stuff I’ve made on my private git server.
2 appointments with pretty much all day in between them…
Yay people are awake
Aaaaand I’m still at work.
Oh well lol.
Still can lounge.
And then I have to pack a bunch of stuff to ship it out tomorrow
As basically all the stuff has sold now that’s high value. Still some old GPUs up but the rest is gone … Less than 12 hours after listing. Daaaamn.
In other news the 2400G still has no new drivers. Why am I not surprised…
I’m going to focus on writing for a bit. I’ll be back in the afternoon.
How my day has been so far (it’s only been an hour).
Message to my buddy in discord:
ffs… she’s telling people to withhold more or throw the money into retirement (second one is actually a good idea…) even when they’re projected to get over 3k next year… Yes they’re changing the withholding tables but I know for a fact they aren’t changing that much. And of course I can’t say anything to her because she won’t learn anything if I do. she just follows her anecdotal evidence without attempting to even begin to understand how to do the math (and it’s very basic math). It’s painful for me because I’m the only one who can tell exactly how much she’s bullshitting so even if i do yell at her for being completely fucking retarded, the other people will back her regardless. Why they would back the guy who’s done hours on hours of research is beyond me…
and she just told her clients what I’ve told her but then spun it in a way to make me seem like the dumbass in the situation… I’m so fucking done
she’s a nasty piece of work, I thought all bosses were the same but thats insane.
I find it funny how newegg EBay has these in stock at 10+ units but newegg site doesnt have them even listed.
Also soonTM (maybe). I may wait until the price drops further because $900 is Wayyy too much But still. Or I will just grab a 1080 ti because fuck it lol. The only Vega 64 I am willing to buy is the Nitro plus though. Because Sapphire.
Also lol at the fact it comes with a GPU support bracket because of being so freaking massive
I did see some 1080 Tis (reference tho) go for $730 on Reddit so There’s that
Normal pricing mostly yay?
EBay is still wierd pricing though.
Still looking for the “send nudes” in the keyboard keys.
There’s been ones that have been proposals… Lol
Ahh yes. Tis the best way to propose for nudes.
One great use for RGB keyboards is having a scrolling “send nudes” message on them. I need to do this to my GF’s keyboard.
Yes you do. I’m sure she’ll love it.
It’s a win/win.
she’s gets a fancy new keyboard message and you get nudes? more like your sleeping on the sofa tonight.
And/or shes gaming all night on said keyboard