The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

nice, going from how I’ve been working on one file it’ll be much easier, kinda feel inspired to actually do that now before I put it off again, hopefully it won’t get me long to sort out the mess XD

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cat ~/.config/i3/*.conf > ~/.config/i3/config
exec /usr/bin/i3
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Nice mind if I steal your setup :stuck_out_tongue:

was just going to ask how exactly you set that up.

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go ahead. note that this setup is based around startx so take that into mind

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hmm yeah not sure how Fedora will work with that out of the box, will have to play around with it.

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could just create a script that manually updates the config and you can refresh the i3 session from their

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Not a bad idea, although somewhat less elegant that your solution, I’ll try and get this working on Fedora first, it should be possibly even if I have to strip it down some and if not get my script writing hat on.

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besides just editing the session file for i3 to generate the config file before hand i dont know of a better way

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yep Its a good enough solution as any though, thought I’d try opening a tty and using startx with your xinitrc and it works and launches i3 instead of gnome but doesn’t load the config file or can’t parse it correctly for some reason. It is definitely reading it but most of the errors are todo with i3blocks but none of my hotkeys work either.

I’m an idiot and know what I’ve done, I didn’t seperate out my whole config correctly and my i3block file is also named i3blocks.conf so it just overwrote the config file with that which It can’t parse and that is where the errors came from.

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split-config.tar.gz (2.7 KB)

@Michael known good split config. is mostly default atm but i remapped $mod+Shift+c to regen a config file instead on 85-i3keys.conf

and audio and brightness control on 6X-*.conf

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Thanks those will be a great help, my config is still mostly default with some added stuff so only need to copy over a couple of changes and add a few of config files for extra stuff like resolution and monitors. Also looks like my audio config is almost exactly the same as yours :smiley:

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i pulled mine from the internet so not surprised lol

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lol that great repository of information, chances of us pulling it from the exact same site are quite high.

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working on getting my backlight setup working as xbacklight does not work with the ATI driver

EDIT. setup now :smiley:

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Nice, how did you manage to get it working? no surprise laptop has that same issue and would want to fix that also :smiley:

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installed brightnessctlfrom the AUR

created /etc/udev/rules.d/10-brightness.rule with the following

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", KERNEL=="acpi_video0", RUN+="/bin/chgrp video /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="backlight", KERNEL=="acpi_video0", RUN+="/bin/chmod g+w /sys/class/backlight/%k/brightness"

added myself to the video group

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neat will maybe have try that but not sure how it’ll translate to Fedora, brightness controls always worked in other DEs like Gnome but could never got that to work in i3.

gnome uses dbus to trigger a ACPI event that adjusts the brightness that way

Could install it via DNF because its a package or go the github route

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thanks i’ll dnf install the package and see if it works.

also not sure why but my laptop is acting super weird. the screen keeps flashing on and off and the mouse and keyboard inputs freeze and stop working until the screen turned off completely. also noticed some display issues on Windows earlier but not sure if its related.