The Lounge 0001 [From the Beginning]

Should have atleast tried to see what they were wanting to pay for it

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whatever they offered it wasn’t worth it, I do really like this hat XD

I don’t really want to install Epic only because it attempts to save a local copy of your steam friends and recently played games.

I still need to get on testing that.


Neat. No idea if this is a mod/admin thing


My recently added bookmark in red:


Neat. These 2 posts will catch you up on whats been going on

Is this a stock discourse install?

Hi Novasty

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Yes. Need to reinstall a few plugins (Staff notes, BBcode, and a few others)


Interesting, dayum that happened during a stressful event for me.

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ye. Alot went on here. @wolfleben won the contest

We have a NSFW and politics category that is locked behind a opt-in group

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I’ve already opted in to both.


Well RIP delivery.


time to complain?

I honestly believe those concerns are valid. I can’t test for it because my Epic launcher is a dev build [cause I test for epic Unreal Engine] and I have no way of knowing if my version is the same or not. Epic has made some big misteps and they haven’t addressed the concerns really.

I’ve contacted my contact at Epic but I haven’t gotten anything back yet.

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Supernatural is ending with Season 15

I okay with this. It has had a fun long run. I’ll also be able to watch the seasons on bluray [I own all the ones that are out] and it is great for rewatch.

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I finally got my warranty replacement for my broken controller after 5 and a half weeks. I would complain about the long time I had to wait, but considering if I had bought a first party pro controller I wouldn’t have even been able to get a replacement.


It should have ended with season 5.
Anything past that is an insult to the show.

I consider everything after 5 as fluff. Some of the fluff is entertaining and good. Others were okay. But yeah season 1 to 5 are the only seasons that need to be watched.

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I finished my 3rd replay of Dragon Age Inquisition. This game takes a a bit to replay. There is way too much dead areas [nothing happening, traveling]. I still believe the level designs are poorly designed. Now I can focus on replay of KOTOR, Granted won’t be doing too much replay. I’ll be focused on other things.

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